Credit card reward points are rewards or perks offered by banks to a credit card customer each time the user spends on their credit card. These points add up automatically whenever a transaction is created. Once you've got collected a certain number of points, you'll be able to redeem them for several benefits that might be gift vouchers, merchandise, air miles or discounts on purchases. credit card reward points are therefore an incentive to credit cardholders to use their credit card more often for various transactions and get rewarded for it. All credit cards will have a rewards program where you'll find out how you earn reward points when you transact with your credit card.
However, users can earn reward points if they follow the below-mentioned points.
You can earn rewards on spends across many classes like online shopping, fuel, grocery, dining, travel, or maybe film tickets. Suppose you’re a frequent traveller and your credit card is letting you earn reward points in all categories except tickets booking on bus, train or flights, then the credit card is of no use to you. Your credit card must always complement your spending habits.
A few credit cards offer reward points as a welcome gift on joining. You have to spend a minimum amount among a given period to earn them. Besides this, you'll be able to also check if your card provides accelerated reward offers on select categories. You must be thinking what is accelerated reward offer and what it allows you to avail? An accelerated reward offer allows you to earn 10x rewards on spending an amount during a particular category while in alternative categories, you'll earn 1x rewards on spending an equivalent amount. you'll be able to see the massive difference by yourself.
It’s no surprise to see credit cards come loaded with reward offers throughout the festival season. you'll be able to earn maximum reward points at the time of Independence Day, Diwali, or the other festive occasion. Payment on such special occasions will make you earn a lot of reward points as compared to payment on normal days.
You can earn maximum reward points by spending on a selected day or weekend. Like if a bank offers twenty times reward points on grocery shopping each Wed and double reward points on weekends, then it'd be a wise call to use the card on those days on picked categories.
There are some credit cards that offer you bonus reward points on spending the specified amount during a period as specified by the bank. It can be, 000 a month or Rs. 6 lakhs during a year.
There is no use of your hard-earned reward points if you forget to redeem them. Some credit cards reward points usually expire after two years. Always check it, so that you'll be able to redeem them before the specified period. Also, you need to understand the value of your collected points which can go to a maximum of Rs. one per reward point.